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Ten Page Pro Analysis

Select the Script:

The Basics

Are you looking for a fast reaction to the start of your script from a professional script reader? Does it have a compelling hook? Is the writing up to what is expected of a script ready to go? Is the dialogue flowing and natural or forced and stiff?

If so, Talentville's affordable Ten Page Coverage is for you.

More Details

When you submit a screenplay to a contest, or even to a producer or manager, few will read more than ten pages if they are not 'feeling it', and that includes presentation, characterizations, plot and overall quality. Getting readers to venture beyond ten pages is a key, and our Readers will tell you what works, and what doesn't.

Our readers will give you specific feedback in the following key areas...

  • How Original does the plot feel?
  • How Interesting are the Characters?
  • Is the action clear and concise, underwritten or overwritten?
  • Was it a breeze to read, or a bit of a slog?
  • Are the first ten pages Compelling?