I grew up in different towns in Arkansas and California which helped me see the world from a pretty unique lens. When I hit college I graduated with two degrees: one in Anthropology and one in English. Eventually, I was lucky enough to make it to England and research Roman Archaeology. Oh yeah, I was also in the Marines. I've always done some form of writing, ever since I was a little kid. I have two published books: a children's book and a book of poetry.
Once upon a time, I had a really cool job marketing merchandise for Game of Thrones. Met some interesting people doing that.
I began and co-chair a non-profit to help people get into filmmaking: Arts and Entertainment Council. We teach classes in filmmaking, acting, and screenwriting. Recently, we started MeetUps in Fayetteville with local screenwriters and bringing in industry insiders to talk about what all is involved in getting into the industry and about the experience they had writing for entertainment. It's pretty amazing to watch something you start as it grows and helps people.