After reading a dozen books on screenwriting, I jumped in head first and wrote 4 screenplays. Then I met Hal Croasman and realized I didn't know as much as I thought I did, so now I am fully emersed in the ScreenwritingU [PS35B] Professional Series Screenwriting Course. You can find out more and see what our alumni are doing at www.screenwritingU.com/buzz
I am reaching out to a number of professionals in the industry right now to connect for future assignments. I am very creative and I'm sure you've heard that before, but like my Mama used to say, "the pruf iz in da puddin". Throw an idea my way and let me show you what I can do with it.
I have written 4 novels, 3 joke books, a different kind of cookbook, 5 children’s books (That I am having illustrated as you read this) and I have recently completed my 6th screenplay. If you know anyone in new product development or invention manufacturing, I have over 200 inventions and 2 design patents. If you know anyone in the music industry, I have written and completed over 125 songs of all different genres. I am versatile if nothing else. I am also diligent. Even though I have 6 additional screeplays started, I work on assignments one at a time until they are finished.
They say you meet every person for a reason. I firmly believe that. If there is a willing spirit out there amongst any of my friends or comrades that can help me get some of this stuff off the shelf and into the hands of someone who could make something out of it, I would forever be in your debt.
SpecialtiesI enjoy writing anything involving the sub-culture in and around New Orleans that references the Voodoo Culture and how it came to be in the US, Historically Referenced Fictions along with some Vampire, Pirate and Action Adventure Stories.