Ron Barenburg
New York, NY • United States
Joined March 2, 2012
Last Login March 19, 2012
I have been writing screenplays for the past fifteen years, and ghostwriting for the past five years. I have adapted a novel to screenplay for a Pulitzer nominated writer, and have just ghostwritten two TV Pilots.
Below are the loglines of my available scripts. Writing samples available upon request.
PAYBACK-An ex-cop, his past colliding with his new found, suburban affluence, sees his world spiral out of control in this psychological thriller.
SAFETY ZONE- P.I. Jake Zone has a new partner, lucrative new cases, and a Columbian drug lord that wants him dead. And that’s before his Monday night therapy group starts losing members, permanently.
DISARMING- Ex street cop lobbies for banning handguns. The NRA, right wing militias and gun manufacturers take aim.
COLLARD GREENS AND PASTA- Black teen gang steals cars and runs a chop shop to send minority kids to college. The cops and their competition, the Mob, aren't impressed.
ALIKE- A Liberal President deals with right wing dirty tricks during an election year. And a female anti-war activist and a female FBI agent are unlikely allies.
Ron’s ability to tap into the themes of the day led to his Script FOOTPRINTS.
FOOTPRINTS- Zack’s shrink suggests a therapy weekend away to resolve conflicts with his kids. He’s ‘coming out’ in his mid fifties and doesn’t know his ex wives are coming.
Footprints won the 'Excellence in Writing in the Best Drama Feature Length Screenplay Award from RipRap Entertainment, Inc.
CHANGES - Three women, their husbands, an Oprah moment, and life and death.
THE GIRL IN THE PARK - A hard driving advertising exec saves a dog, out-cons a con-man, re-unites with her daughter she never knew and finds herself.
Ron’s script THE ROAD THROUGH MAGGIE has been optioned twice.
*THE ROAD THROUGH MAGGIE - Is an uplifting story about an middle age artist coming into her own, but thwarted by her conniving agent, sets out to bring her art to the world with the help of Maggie, a feisty eighty year old and her twenty five year old nurse, Rosanna.
Past lives and New Age themes come to fruition in Ron’s script LINEAGE.
LINEAGE- Lineage combines Mission Impossible and Biblical prophecies in a fast paced action adventure that blurs the line between fact and fantasy.
Working with re-known Psychologist Jane Goldberg, PhD., Ron has put together an exciting TV Pilot, Grief and Gratitude, based true stories about organ transplant donors and their recipients.
GRIEF AND GRATITUDE - Transplant donors and recipients, their hopes, worries, obstacles and fears played out in an American Midwest Hospital. Death, then life.
**TABLES - One thousand Men, three Years, one Table, a quest for the chemistry of love. A true story about online dating.
DOWNSIZED, Ron’s s short script touches a collective nations nerve with the story of recently ‘downsized’ Michael Ross, who is not going ‘gently into the night’.
Ron’s adaptation of Arthur Hertzog’s novel Polar Swap shows his adaptability in bringing this Pulitzer nominated novelist book to Feature Screenplay quality.
POLAR SWAP - Three couples flee to the Arctic to escape the coming horrors of a Polar Swap. But the escape they seek is not the escape they find.
SMALL TOWN BLUES - Is about a Police Union election in New Jersey in the nineteen seventies. A young detective takes on a corrupt Union President who wants him voted out, permanently. Based on a true story.
My project, the TV Pilot FleaPort, based on a true story, will provide the tens of millions of Americans who frequent flea markets to follow along with the diverse characters of this real life, indoor flea market.
FLEAPORT - A wacky group of characters inhabit a small town-like fleamarket in the nineteen seventies outside of JFK.
My poetry has been published in many publications such as The New York Times and many literary magazines, such as Rattapalax and Across the Pond, among many others.
Two of my one act plays were performed this past June at the York Theatre in Manhattan, New York and a new one act played was performed November 30th at the York Theatre in Manhattan.
*The Road Through Maggie - Optioned twice
** Tables - Recently Optioned 10/14/11