I started writing screenplays during a period of unemployment in 2008 and it has been the most fun I've had in a long time. Many decades ago, I wrote prose, and I have an idea right now that probably lends itself better to novel, rather than screenplay, format. And like most writers, I have several screenplay ideas constantly percolating as I go about my daily activities. I've completed three screenplays and all three have been entered in screenwriting contests. My very first screenplay, "Baby Daddy" placed in the top 25% of 4, 412 scripts entered in the 2009 Page. I was thrilled, needless to say, and it validated for me that I must be doing something right.
Although I got a late start and I realize that the entertainment industry has an age bias, I refuse to give up and firmly believe that someday, I will be a paid professional screenwriter. It would be a dream come true to leave something creative behind, whether it's movies or books.
My other creative pursuits are the needlearts, focusing primarily on quilting, embroidery and cross stitch. I also like to cook and garden.
I am a mother of two--a son and a daughter--and a grandmother to a seventeen-year-old grandson and a fulltime professional nanny. Being with infants and toddlers is one of the greatest joys of my life, but I would give it up to be able to write professionally.
My other dream is to someday travel the U.S. and abroad, my international dream destinations being Ireland and Italy's Amalfi Coast. I expect all my dreams to come true before I depart this world for my next big adventure.