I have been a writer all of my life. I was rapping with made up poems off the top of my head just to stay sharp in the 70s not knowing it was a form of rap. I was able to use my writing ability to attract woman on second and third dates and I married my wife, winning her over by opening my heart to her through the pen. We married young and I got a 9-5 job moving quickly up in the ranks of my company. Even then, my writing skills were an asset to formulate negatives from my bosses in the company in regards to changes and policies. I was able to show the wisdom and positive side of the companies mandates, even if I disagreed with them.
I retired in 09 and wrote my first screenplay. I was able to sell it for 25,000.00 dollars and full partnership with the Executive Producers including that title and also a producer credit. It was a low budget movie and because post costs have run over budget, our editor who gets a lot of work is editing when he is free. We had 2 pick up scenes to shoot, one replacing the exact scene shot earlier so dropping it in will not be time consuming. We then have the last 10 minutes of the feature to edit. It runs between 105 to 107 minutes. We are then ready for color, sound (Music and score lined up) to go. This has been a long process. The Log Line: "A director/producer takes a group of film students into East Los Angeles to shoot a documentary. Cultures collide and the documentary crew soon become the subjects of their own project". Genre: Drama/Suspense.
I have written a second screenplay and I had it optioned for 6 months and the production company could not get the financing. This screenplay is very relevant to certain aspects that are going on in the political arena today. Log Line: "Victim’s family members conspire to exact revenge on the boss of a criminal enterprise that murdered their loved ones. In a daring and complicated kidnapping there is no demand of money. Their price is absolute justice. The jury? The victims family members". Genre: Drama