Hey all, been a while since I've been able to log on to the site, been in and out of hospital like I own the joint.
Now that I'm back, I can fully appreciate the new look site. Which is looking incredible.
Hi there.
My name is Daniel Wood and I've been writing stories just over a decade now, with writing screenplays for around 6 years.
I absolutely adore movies and the cinema, but I have more respect and admire of what goes into making the movies we see.
I love writing and do it as much as I can. I also find it hard to get my work seen by people, as I don't have any contact with agents, studios etc.
I found this site by chance, and low and behold, it is owned and run by the man who co-founded the software I use, Final Draft.
I'm hoping this site will help me and recieve various tips and helpful comments from the many great writers on this site.