Hey guys, I'm Caleb. I'm a returning member (snicker) who got burned-out on peer review sites thanks to some shitheads over on a site I won't name (it kind of rhymes with "Chigger Feet") giving me single-paragraph reviews that pretty much just patted my back for putting boobs in my script. I can get that from my friends just as easily.
Cynical intro aside, I write all kinds of scripts in all kinds of genres, and I also write and perform my own standup on a pretty frequent basis. I'd like to think I have good ideas, but I'll let you guys be the judge of that.
I've never taken any screenwriting courses, but I've picked up formatting and techniques online and in manuals. I went to the Quentin Tarantino "I didn't go to film school, I went to films" school of screenwriting.
I'm 28, from Chicago. When I'm not banging out a script, I'm watching movies, nursing a glass of Scotch, or with friends who just hate listening to me prattle on about my own work. I'm a big hockey fan and a bigger fan of Green Lantern (not the fucking Ryan Reynolds version). My favorite movies are all over the place and if I start rattling them off, we'll be here all night.
A random fun fact about me: I sleep with the blankets pulled over my head and frequently Dutch Oven myself. And I have a massive man-crush on Tom Cruise, apparently.