Dallas Gibson was born in Pueblo, Colorado in 1982, but moved to the Texas Panhandle at a young age. He was raised in the tiny Texas town of Darrouzett, a stone's throw from Oklahoma. After graduating high school in Follett, Texas he remained in the Panhandle region until 2011 when he moved to the DFW area, where he resided until 2019. In the summer of 2019, along with his wife, and fellow screenwriter Crow and their two children, Dallas moved to the Tampa Florida area. He began screenwriting in 2016 and has had his work recognized around the world, from as far away as Scotland and Rome to back in the U.S. in Austin and Los Angeles. After winning several festivals in 2018 and 2019, he hopes to soon bring his work to life on the big screen. He currently works for an insurance company in Tampa.
"Writing, for me, has always been a way to channel thoughts and ideas so what better way to do that than write pieces that have a chance to become movies? The way I write is to try and visualize a scene in my mind and how it should be seen by the viewer. This doesn't always work so well at first but I've found the more you run scenes through your mind the clearer the scene becomes. Once you put it all together I think it's something really special. I hope everyone that reads my scripts, or maybe one day watches them in theaters, enjoys what they read or see and knows that everything I write is to entertain and done so with you the reader/viewer in mind. Enjoy!"