Daniel Johnson lives in Cincinnati, OH, with his wife and three kids. As a native of the Midwest, he's well versed in finding meaning in the menial. Much of his creativity comes as a result of following other pursuits. His love of music led to writing music. His affinity for video games found him writing for online magazines and podcasts. He's also tried his hand at technical writing and journalism but feels most at home giving life to the stories that are hidden in the touchpoints of humanity.
Daniel also has a bit of an adventurous streak. He and his wife spent almost four years in South Korea where he taught English and worked in curriculum development. He also developed a taste for kimchi in all its many permutations.
Living in Korea gave Daniel access. It allowed him to travel to places like Japan, Mongolia, Russia, and Thailand where he was able to learn from teachers and students from many different cultures. Those unique experiences have given him a perspective that is as fresh as it is familiar.
Which leads us to "Morale & Safety," Daniel's debut screenplay. Deeply inspired by his father's experience with mental illness, "Morale & Safety" strikes an emotional chord and has already received attention, placing in ScreenCraft's 2020 True Story & Public Domain Competition.