Enough about me. How about you?
Seriously though, if you are truly aching to learn more about me you can check out my website - www.dianemjohnson.com - or my blog - https://dj-screenwriter.blogspot.com/ One is chock full of marginal information. The other has posts of mostly book reviews with the occasional rant about the topics of the day, such as tweet trolls or book banning.
Anyway, the short version of a resume is:
*I got my Bachelors in Cinema at Binghamton University, NY.
**I once had a script under option.
***I've placed well in a number of screenwriting competitions with features, shorts, pilots and spec scripts.
****I've worked a little bit in post production.
*****I've judged/critiqued material in other writing comps.
******I've done a little bit of PA work in the past.
I've got a few books out too: The Schoharie and The Perfect Prophet trilogy, available at most ebook retailors.
Want to find me on social media? Ask for Casey Adams Stark. Yes, my 'alias' is a character from an early story/script I wrote. I should have used it as a pen name, but...oh well.