Studied Screen and sound in Media Studies at University before heading over to the UK on a Working Holiday Visa. The thing I loved most about my degree was writing scripts and the creative writing units in general. While I struggle to keep a verbal conversation and express the way I feel, I find it so much easier and beautiful to do it through writing.
I work full-time in Childcare, work part time at a pub and sell skin care and make up with Nutrimetics but writing is my passion and will always have time made for (be it little every now and then or a lot when I'm on a roll haha)
Im working on a script at the moment and have a long way to go but will always be here dabbling around and eventually uploading my lil ripper future blockbuster =P (haha i wish)
If you wanna drop by a 'hi'or ask any questions or anything, feel free to send me a message!