Robert Moore
United States
Joined April 2, 2012
Last Login May 20, 2012
After putting my life on hold to help my mother and special needs nephew whom I still help today, I have been truly inspired to write and develop stories that are based on true experiences or close to them. One of these stories is based on my secret story of a Miracle that happened to me in 1989; yes, that long ago to well up in me and to finally "have" to share it to the world to give them Hope. An unbridled lifestyle and unbelievable story that lasted 13 yrs and that took place in many beautiful parts of the world, but having many dark attacks and internal / external conflicts. I am interested in discussing this project with the "right" producer who is strong spiritually. You really need to be with this story, as it delves into good winning over evil forces. I have even asked myself why do I care about trying to help others on such a large scale, but am quickly overcome with a feeling of emphathy and a memory of what happend when I got the Miracle. I can never doubt there is no higher power because of what I felt and what happened afterwards and to this day. I have always thought this story needs to be seen and heard as I have played it out mentally over the years how visually stimulating it would be. I believe the film would be very powerful and help show Miracles happen, even to those that don't fit into the worlds so-called straight and narrow religious molds. This is a film to help people globally and need the right producer to get this story in theatres. My plan is to take some of the proceeds of the film and promote awareness for people with special needs. I have spend the last 22 years helping my beautiful nephew who is a prime example of being taught well - he always smiles and is very funny. I taught him to have a sense of humor. I know there are so many special needs people out there who need help, they have no one to look out for them and can't be in this world alone. We owe it to them since we can make a living and most of them can't. So many are abused at home, in streets and what breaks my heart, in prisons as I hear they don't have enough facilities. That is why I take my nephew out to expose him to life and, oh how he enjoys eating in restaurants. I have had other patrons come up to us and say hello and make a positive comment. I have to admit I almost tear up, but hold them back. It does feel so good and fills my heart. I love involving him in society to enjoy life and show others not to be embarrassed, but to be proud you can help make someone's life better. We smile and laugh our way around town beaming with life, a new life that began with a Miracle in 1989. That is another reason I want to share this amazing story and especially on film as its very powerful showing the tumultous secret life that I led. I am here alive many years later feeling peaceful and inspired by events that are quite extraordinary! I feel I have wasted much of my life by not sharing my story, but I don't want to waste it anymore. I believe that after seeing my powerful film, it will change many lives because change is possible. For me, my story is living proof and when people see and hear the life I survived to the day of my Miracle - they will know there is hope. And what a story it is... I look forward to discussing the possibilites and look forward to hearing from you and just think what a great work for humanity. Rob