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I just wanna write comedy...
that's pretty much it. That's my sales pitch. It's up to you to decide if I can actually do it.
Ya know, I can sit here and brag about how my currently inactive Sunny spec was the top script on this site for like 10 years* but who wants to hear about that? If you do, please e-mail me, I'm desperate for human interaction in any form. I'm also a good looking dude** which I hear is key to being a successful writer.
I only have 8 friends on Talentville... if you add them to real life, I only have 12 friends***! Friend request me, we can shoot the shit about the "craft" of writing. You can tell me all the reasons my screenplay blows. I'd friend request you but I don't want to appear desperate.
I'm also on twitter, if you enjoy the occasaional pun based joke and rampant complaining about New York based sports teams - @vc_wg
I had a blog about how terrible commercials are once upon a time - a blog the world truly needed - but I stopped doing it. I'm looking for any excuse to start it back up so if you like any of this, tell me if you don't, tell me. Don't hold back any words.
Oh and I have an imdb page look at that shiny credit. That single credit for a 4 page short. Bask in it.
*this may be inaccurate
** this may be inaccurate
*** totally accurate