Wyatt Burksaw(mid- 20's) is experiencing some trials and tribulations in his young life: he can't find a job and feels disrespected; he is being pressured by his wife Elaine(mid-20's) to grow up and be more responsible; his best friend Holt(mid-20's) doesn't want him to grow up and be more responsible. But Wyatt will be forced to confront his fears and insecurities when he happens upon a mysterious downed object containing two twin alien babies.
While clamoring to figure out what the creatures are and where they come from, Wyatt and Elaine must also deal with the plentiful needs of the infant aliens, getting help from Holt and their next door neighbors, Dr. Ronald Nasser(40's) and his wife Colleen(40's). Meanwhile, the parents of the alien babies, who's spaceship crashed in the dense West Virginia forest the night before, are looking for their young offspring, and killing every human they come in contact with.
When the alien parents finally track down Wyatt's residence (and their children's location), the young man must face the fury of a technologically advanced enemy bent on destroying him, and must help defend his wife and friends from certain death. Faced with this horrific situation, Wyatt will ultimately deal with unimaginable suffering and loss, and in order to triumph in this situation he will be forced to become more of the man he yearns to be.