What business does love have in the industry of sex?
Character DrivenComing of AgeErotic ThemeLove StoryPeriodSlapstick
Time Period: PresentStory Location: USASpecial Effects: Minimal SFXTarget Audience: AdultSex is easy. Love is a motherfucker. That goes double for people in the porn industry. For Becky sex is simply business but to Paul sex is The Holy Grail. Becky gets knocked up and throws her life into turmoil by keeping it. Paul's life was thrown into turmoil the moment he saw Becky. He can't admit that especially when it's definitely not Paul's baby. They careen through lives in porn and pregnancy in a nine month journey that's raunchy, sweet, heartrending and hilarious.
Weeks on Chart: 4
Peak Position: #5 (May 05, 2014)