Genre: Romantic Comedy
Target audience: Females > 25
Logline: A teenage gamer nerd falls in love with a beautiful woman online, only to find out she's old enough to be his grandma.
Jason is a 19-year-old nerd whose face hasn't seen daylight since he started attending community college for Video Game Design. When the opportunity arises to meet an online friend Mathilda, he is terrified to meet her in person.
Mathilda is a gaming 70-year-old woman in an assisted-living home, who unfortunately found out that video games do not ever let you choose 70-year-old-looking women avatars, do they?
So when they finally meet, he is surprised to find she is everything she said she was online!
Only there's one problem -- the woman he thinks is his online friend, turns out to be Mathilda's nurse.
When the truth is finally revealed, a humiliated Jason must choose between age and beauty.
Aiona Byuwek