Natalie Freeman discovers her Uncle Eddie Littleton is missing, along with his prized meteorite worth several million dollars. Natalie follows a bloody trail to a small town, Silver Mountain Springs, situated in an isolated corner of Washington State. She and Uncle Eddie have a history in that small town, and Natalie finds it necessary to confront a town resident and childhood friend, Devyn Robertson, who has recently taken over operations at the local rock quarry and abandoned silver mine upon the death of his uncle. She is naturally suspicious of Devyn as he seems not to have changed much over the years since their adolescence. If anything, Devyn appears morbidly ruthless, money hungry and more dangerous than ever.
Shaken with grief, Natalie learns that Uncle Eddie has indeed been murdered, but she gathers inner strength and becomes a force to be reckoned with on all levels. The truth and the killer(s) will not escape her, not even when she discovers a dead body in the silver mine, or learns of two other deaths she determines are directly connected to the murder of her beloved Uncle Eddie. And she’s quite aware her every move is watched from deep within the shadows by two hired hands without scruples, in it just for the money, and every bit as callous as their employer, Devyn Robertson.
Searching for answers, Natalie meets Nicholas Seville, a handsome yet mysterious man who sees through her anguish and becomes her backup man and romantic interest. Another key player, Rocky, the German shepherd dog who is Natalie’s companion and loyal friend.
Natalie thwarts a malicious plan to poison her but not before she is left to die in the tunnels of the silver mine, along with another innocent woman, Lena. The two women escape and Natalie confronts Devyn, and comes to learn there are two other men in charge of the entire malignant plan. Nevertheless, Natalie is triumphant in the end, and receives answers to all her questions, save for one; the location of the prized meteorite is never revealed.