A gay ghost must help a pip-squeak, straight young man lose his virginity and 'live life' while the young man must find the ghost's killer before an innocent man is executed in three days.
Character DrivenHigh ConceptSupernatural
Time Period: PresentStory Location: USASpecial Effects: Minimal SFXTarget Audience: Young AdultSteven Dorson is a pip-squeak that would like to become 'more manly' by getting laid. (He completely confuses love with sex.) He's tried everything to lose his virginity and finally resorts to a magic spell, but rather than becoming more manly, he conjures up a man, Marcus Walden, who was shot and killed in the guest house that Steven just moved into.
Steven and Marcus find that they are energetically tethered and must help each other, or they will be doomed to walk in between life and death for eternity. Steven must help solve Marcus's murder before the wrongly accused gardener is executed in three days, and Marcus must help Steven get a girl and 'get laid.'
Weeks on Chart: 2
Peak Position: #1 (May 09, 2016)