An out of work, coal miner makes a desperate, dangerous decision; his faded town unites around him, but will it be enough to save him?
CrimeFamilyLaw Enforcement
Time Period: PresentStory Location: USASpecial Effects: No SFXTarget Audience: AdultJacob is getting desperate. The coal mine that he worked in for years, has closed down, and he can't find any job in his faded, mining town. With a wife and two kids to feed, he makes a dangerous move, and robs a local bank. A teller that he knows, Stella, helps him, but doesn't want any of the money.
Jacob puts large envelopes of cash in the mail boxes of other people in his town who are facing hardships; he hides the rest in his old mine.
When two, big city investigators, Shawn and Martin, come to solve the crime, they find that the town will not help them at all. Shawn makes moves on Stella as a ploy; she is receptive, but doesn't give him the clues that he wants. As the townspeople push the two men to leave, their actions become threatening. Martin's car is lit on fire. After he leaves town, Shawn deduces that Jacob committed the crime. He follows him to a coal mine, and confronts him. Once Jacob admits that he hid the cash far into the mine, Shawn pulls out a gun, and forces him to lead him to it.
After a long journey through the mine shafts, they get to the room where Jacob hid what was left of the money. At that point, Shawn tells him that his life would end there. Jacob unscrews their only flashlight, and the batteries drop to the ground. As they both are plunged into total darkness, only one will get out alive.
Weeks on Chart: 1
Peak Position: #7 (July 23, 2018)
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