Synopsis: Our Hero is a young unmotivated hipster in a no-where job at a local auto auction, his best friend is a driven motivated individual with plans on becoming a real estate mogul at any cost. Their lives are turned upside down when they stumble upon a huge cache of drug money hidden in the trunk of a trade-in car.
Unbeknownst to them a secret Colombian cartel operates out of the auto auction. With the money gone the cartel leader sets his men out to find who would be brash enough to steal from them. Lucky for the boys, the gang has no idea who did it...yet.
With hit men on the trail of the missing cash, the boys lay low, people start turning up dead. The boys need to stay unnoticed long enough to let the cops do their work. Soon, the hit men realize it was someone working on the lot, and the heat gets turned up a little higher.
The boys luck out when the cops discover how the drugs get into the country. The third act is a classic all out car chase through the city of Angels climaxing in a epic ending at the Santa Monica pier.
Writer's Bio: Carlos Santellanes is a life-long Angelino, current SAG member, USMC veteran, ex-graphic designer, a 1984 Olympic volunteer, and currently an auto auction employee. This is his first screenplay.