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Children of cohabiting scientists must overcome their prejudices and battle junk food obsessed mutant zombies that take over their playground.
Ensemble CastFamilyFantasyHigh ConceptHigh TechMonsters/AliensSatireSlapstick
Time Period: PresentStory Location: USASpecial Effects: Minimal SFXTarget Audience: PreteenSCOTT HORTON (12) just moved into a new house with his father, GIL
(40s) and his dad's girlfriend, JOAN BREWSTER (40s). Joan's kids
are weird. HANNA (11) is a strict vegetarian and MASON (6) talks
to his pet lizard, LORD GORZON, his best friend in the galaxy.
Scott's sister, STEPHANIE (15) would rather hit the mall than have
a heart to heart. Our hero rejects his new home. Scott's having
the worst week of his life and that's before the zombies show up.
Gil and Joan are scientists that work for FigCorp, a company into
everything from laptops to pork rinds. On a Sunday they should be
spending with their kids, the scientists are testing a new product
for their profit hungry CEO, FIGGIS (50s). He discovered an exotic
plant that stimulates cravings for junk food and video games.
Figgis plans to use the leaf to entice children around the globe
to consume his superfluous pop culture products. The CEO adds corn
syrup to the formula, a grave mistake. The secret test of the
prototype energy drink transforms taste testers into purplish
zombies that spread the contagion with mutated slime.
Meanwhile, Scott and the gang, including his Asian twin friends,
OZ & KIM (12) and RADISH (13) the epic mooch, are sent to the
KidPlex, FigCorp's corporate sponsored playground/amusement
center. The KidPlex has playground attractions, mini golf, arcade,
batting cages and go-karts. The facility is run by COACH D (50s),
Figgis's sister that wants revenge on her neglectful brother.
Scott doesn't want his 'new family' or this playground. Coach D
drinks the Bite and transforms the bully gymnastics goons, the
GYMNASTIES, into mutant zombies. This changes the rules of the
game. The Gymnasties transform kids into fast food obsessed mutant
zombies hellbent on converting all humans into video game junkies.
Scott must overcome his prejudices and rally the kids to reclaim
their playground from the mutant jocks. Meanwhile, Gil and Joan
must navigate zombies and commitment issues to escape the lab and
get to their children trapped at the FigCorp KidPlex.
Weekly Top Ten List
Weeks on Chart: 2
Peak Position: #7 (February 06, 2012)

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