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Talentville coverage for Dividing Divinity (4-2012)

by Ben Cahan

Professional Coverage, 3 pages
Viewed by: 52 Residents and 65 Guests

Attached to DELETED: Dividing Divinity

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This is a unique premise for a movie, however there's absolutely no three-act structure, nor is there a decent climax. This story has the potential to be a compelling project yet at this juncture it is a lot of style with too little substance. While the overall story presents an intriguing and potentially lucrative premise it just needs to be more thoroughly developed in order to fully capture the audience. Specifically the pacing of the story needs reworking and the main characters need to have more complex journeys. With thorough and imaginative revisions this script can deliver a complex, memorable main character, a number of colorful and exciting scenes, and a compelling and emotional central dramatic/romantic thread wrapped in a thought-provoking revisionist biblical adaptation set in modern times.