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PAGE Awards newsletter March 2014

by Jennifer Berg - PAGE International Screenwriting Awards

Article, 8 pages
Viewed by: 25 Residents and 320 Guests

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This spring edition of the LOGLINE eZine, published by the PAGE Awards, has some extremely
strong articles to help you improve your craft and stay up-to-date on the state of the film
and television industry.

First, 2013 PAGE Grand Prize winner Brooke Roberts Eikmeier reveals how her basic training
experience in the Army helped her as a screenwriter. Then PAGE Judge Anna Siri outlines the
four elements every short film script should contain. John Truby, our resident expert on the
workings of genre, explains exactly why 12 Years a Slave won Oscars. The world’s leading
authority on script format, Dave Trottier, demonstrates techniques for handling tricky types
of scenes. Industry insider Marvin V. Acuna applies the famed “four stages of mastery” to
screenwriting. And lastly, we share with you the latest “hot leads” from InkTip

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