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Talentville Mini-Coverage for Breaking The Chain

by Talentville Coverage Staff

Professional Coverage, 4 pages
Viewed by: 27 Residents and 309 Guests

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Breaking the Chain is an engaging dramedy that explores the life of a man on the edge – desperately in need of a change - or he will face a life filled with loneliness and restriction. The general storyline and plot are a lot of fun, filled with likeable characters each with their own hopes and dreams.

One of the script's strengths is that the story’s protagonist, Steve, is a sympathetic character who we like and care about from the get go. There is still more work to be done, however, mainly because the protagonist's main goal in the second act isn't clear. Furthermore, we don't get a strong sense of Steve's status quo in act one, nor is there a clear third act. As a result, he's not tested enough and we lose some of his definition as a character.

Still, it is always exciting seeing people down on their luck and in their lives, then win a lot of money and see how they use it. The win represents a second chance for Steve, and we hope and fear for Steve that he will do the right thing, make the best decisions.