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Talentville Mini-Coverage for SIS

by Talentville Coverage Staff

Professional Coverage, 4 pages
Viewed by: 22 Residents and 283 Guests

Attached to INACTIVE: SIS

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The basic premise here, that two long-lost sisters (Aubrey and Penny) are reunited after 20 years being apart, is actually quite good. There would seem to be a plethora of dramatic possibilities connected to this central idea. The setup of the story, one that makes us curious to see what kind of relationship the sisters will form after so many years, is perhaps the strongest part of the screenplay, and there are many touching moments between them - especially near the end as they work hard to get over all their past troubles and try to understand each other better. With that said, the script as written is somewhat maudlin and talky, with the audience too far ahead of the characters most of the time, waiting for the characters to learn basic facts that we already know. While it feels a bit more like a play than a feature film at the moment, if the author were to expand the scope a bit, possibly using occasional flashbacks to dramatize Penny's turbulent past, it would beef up the story and help the audience root for her and her sister to triumph.